Non-Surgical Hair Systems in Toronto, ON
Non-surgical Hair Replacement Systems

Modern hair systems have come a long way from the traditional hairpieces. Extremely fine materials and construction methods, advances in attachment methods, new types of synthetics, and advances in the processing of human hair have all contributed to a final result that is indistinguishable from your living, growing hair.
FREEDOMclinic has been providing custom and premade stock hair systems in Toronto for decades, and we offer every type of hair system available for both men and women – from traditional hair pieces, to the latest in advanced hair systems and invisible hair grafts.
Just like there are so many different types of hair loss, no one system or process works for everyone. Hair Systems can therefore be pre-made or custom made, depending on each individual’s needs.

Cyber Hair
What is Cyber Hair? Cyber Hair systems are made from a completely different kind of hair, not at all like any other. While it looks and behaves like human hair, it has none of the characteristics of typical synthetic hair.
Cyber hair is the only hair system that is truly “Maintenance Free.” Since the hair will not fade, break or frizz, a Cyber Hair system may never require maintenance from a hair replacement clinic.
- Feels and behaves like Human Hair
- Will Not Tangle
- Will not fade or lose color
- Will not break
- Will last up to 5 years or more and still look the same
- Loves water and has moisture content
*Individual results may vary

Lace Front or Full Lace Hair Systems and Wigs
This is a newer type of hair system foundation. Very fine mesh-like materials are often used in modern hair systems, as they have the ability to create extremely natural looking hairlines.
Lace hair systems and wigs are available in custom and pre-made orders, or in stock designs for fast delivery.
*Individual results may vary

Thin Skin Hair Systems and Non-Surgical Hair Grafts
Modern techniques in hair ventilating – the art of implanting individuals hairs into a membrane – have produced the most natural looking scalp replicating hair systems ever. It is almost impossible to discern the difference between these systems and the actual scalp. There are several types available in both custom made and pre-made designs.
One of the first of these was developed about 15 years ago by a company called Versacchi. These systems are known as CTR, or “Cosmetic Transdermal Reconstruction”. CTR hair systems are natural looking and durable.
There are several types available in both custom made and pre-made designs. More recent developments in membrane hair grafts are much thinner, and can recreate hairlines and scalp with incredibly natural results.
*Individual results may vary
Original Versacchi CTR Hair System
Original Verssachi USG-4 CTR System

Hair Integration Systems and Evolve
Hair loss in women is often characterized by thinning in the top of the scalp, or throughout the head. The problem is, how do we replace the lost hair without altering the existing hair? Although clip hairpieces, toppers, and postiches can provide a great solution, hair integration systems are designed to fill in the thin areas while utilizing your existing hair. New human hair can be integrated into your existing hair using a variety of hair systems and attachments.
FREEDOMclinic Hair Systems specializes in these types of hair systems as well, as they are a favourite among women with thinning hair. Combining Hair Integration with European hair produces highly natural results.
*Individual results may vary
Hair Extensions
FREEDOMclinic specializes in Cold-Fusion Hair Extensions, also known as “tape-in extensions.” These extensions are the most natural looking extensions available. Most extensions either have bulky weaves attached to them, or are installed in small bunches, which requires hundreds of pieces to create a full, natural look. These other methods can also damage thin or fine hair. Since cold fusion extensions can be easily spread throughout the client’s existing hair, they blend in much better, and can be used to fill in thinning areas higher on the head. Highly customizable, flexible, and easy to install, Cold fusion Hair Extensions are probably the best option for women with thinning hair.
So how do you know what hair system is best?
FREEDOMclinic offers certified, clinical skin and hair-loss solutions that boosts your confidence and helps you achieve the results that you’ve always wanted. We’ve been doing this for over 40 years, and are proud to help thousands of clients with all of their hair-loss, medical esthetic, and trichology needs.
For over 40 years, FREEDOMclinic offers certified, clinical skin and hair-loss solutions that boosts your confidence and helps you achieve the results that you’ve always wanted. Our extensive experience and longevity ensures that you will receive only the best in proven hair replacement methods and technologies, as well as in-patient care and client service.
We are proud to help thousands of clients with all of their hair-loss, medical esthetic, and trichology needs. Call us today for your free consultation and analysis.