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Freedom Clinic Staff of Professionals

The team at FREEDOMclinic is a highly skilled and trained staff of professionals with years of experience.

John D Ranney 

Owner | Trichologist | Hair Loss Specialist |Master SMP  Practitioner

John Ranney is a highly respected trichologist and hair loss specialist, serving as the President and Principal Owner of Freedom Clinic Toronto since September 2001. With a career spanning over three decades, John has been a key member of the Freedom Clinic team since 1990. His deep expertise and passion for hair restoration stem from his family legacy, he is the son of the original founder of Freedom, carrying forward its commitment to excellence in hair loss solutions.

John holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto and is SMP (Scalp Micropigmentation) certified. He is also a dedicated member of the International Association of Trichologists (IAT) and is currently furthering his expertise through the Evidence Base Hair  Fellowship (EBHF) under Dr. Jeffrey Donovan.

As the leading consultant at Freedom Clinic, John personally oversees all hair loss consultations, guiding patients and clients through their hair loss journey diagnosing conditions and with the aid of a team of 12 professionals, providing potential solutions. In addition to his trichology practice, he is an advanced SMP practitioner and trainer, performing specialized scalp micropigmentation procedures regularly.

John is also a contributing writer for the American Hair Loss Council Link Magazine, where he shares insightful and informative articles on hair loss and restoration. His dedication, vast knowledge, and hands-on approach make him a trusted expert in the field of hair loss treatment and trichology.

Kelly Clement-Ranney

Co-Owner | Clinic Director | Medical Aesthetician | Chief Marketing Officer | SkinCeuticals Specialist | Social Media Manager

Kelly Clement-Ranney is a dedicated and loyal leader at FREEDOM, bringing years of experience, creativity, and passion to the team. As Co-Owner and Clinic Director, she ensures the clinic operates with efficiency, professionalism, and a family-oriented atmosphere. Her strong communication skills and unwavering commitment have played a key role in keeping the FREEDOM team motivated, successful, and productive.

Kelly’s expertise shines in marketing and branding, having led the company’s total rebranding and website revamp. As Chief Marketing Officer and Social Media Manager, she oversees all digital platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok, ensuring FREEDOM’s online presence remains strong and engaging. She also collaborates closely with Google, managing all Google Ads for FREEDOMclinic and TheFREEDOMstore.

A SkinCeuticals Specialist and Medical Aesthetician, Kelly is passionate about skin health and delivering top-tier care to clients. Her goal is to continue growing the FREEDOM brand, embracing innovation, and driving the company’s success in an ever-evolving industry all while maintaining the clinic’s warm and welcoming environment.

Karen Frost 

BScN | RN(EC) | NP | Medical Director

Karen Frost serves as the Medical Director at FREEDOMclinic in Toronto. With over two decades of clinical experience, she oversees pediatric patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto.

In her role at FREEDOMclinic, Karen is responsible for overseeing all medical procedures, providing prescriptions, medical referrals, and blood requisitions as needed.

Karen is also the IBD educational resource lead for the SickKids IBD Centre, where she has developed educational materials for healthcare providers and patients.

Her professional affiliations include the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada (CCC), Canadian IBD Nurses (CANIBD), European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN), and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA).

Karen’s extensive experience and dedication to patient care make her an invaluable asset to both FREEDOMclinic and the broader medical community.

Karen Frost is a dedicated clinician specializing in pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto. With a passion for patient care and education, she plays a pivotal role in overseeing the health and treatment of children with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

A recognized leader in the field, Karen speaks nationally and internationally to healthcare professionals about IBD. Her national contributions include work with Crohn’s and Colitis Canada (CCC) and the Canadian IBD Nursing Network (CANIBD), while her international engagements extend to the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA).

As the IBD Educational Resource Lead for the SickKids IBD Centre, Karen has developed and published educational materials for both healthcare providers and patients, ensuring that knowledge and best practices are widely accessible.

Beyond her work at SickKids, Karen is a consummate professional overseeing all medical procedures at FREEDOMclinic. In this role, she provides essential healthcare services, including prescriptions, medical referrals, and blood requisitions, ensuring comprehensive patient care.

Karen’s expertise, leadership, and commitment to advancing IBD care make her a respected voice in the medical community and a trusted advocate for patients and families.

Nicola Morgan 

RN | BA | MEPN | PRP Cert.

Nicola (Nicky) Morgan is a highly skilled and patient-focused medical aesthetics professional with extensive experience in nursing and cosmetic procedures. As a key member of the Freedom Clinic Toronto team, she specializes in administering Botox, dermal fillers, and PRP treatments, ensuring exceptional results tailored to each patient’s needs.

Originally from England, Nicola relocated to Canada 28 years ago and has since dedicated her career to healthcare, serving as a nurse at SickKids Hospital. Her passion for patient care extends beyond the clinic, as she actively participates in charitable organizations across Toronto.

Working alongside our medical director, Nicola is committed to delivering the highest quality aesthetic treatments, combining medical expertise with a personalized approach to enhance patient confidence and well-being.

Dr. Simona Scurtu, ND: Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Simona Scurtu is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and a board-certified naturopathic doctor with prescriptive authority. Dr. Simona has a primary care practice, with a focus in pain medicine, chronic migraine and headache management, post-concussion therapy, hormone health, and digestive health. Dr Simona Scurtu works with us as a consultant. She works closing with our Nurse and Medical Director so that our patients gets the best results in their Vitamin Drips for Hair Loss, Scalp Concerns and Skin concerns. Dr Simona Scurtu is a great asset to our team and we are thrilled to have her.

Alysha Clement-Ranney: Medical Aesthetician, Micro-needling cert., Skin Care specialist, Dermalogica and Skinceuticals Specialist. Alysha is responsible for performing many of the advanced medical aesthetic procedures in the clinic. Professionally trained and certified, Alysha works closely with other members of the team to ensure all patients receive exceptional care and service.
Alysha is one of our most dedicated employees who takes ownership of her huge role and one of our most valuable team members. She is fully committed to the mission of FREEDOMclinic and really lives the values that have been created. Alysha is a very dedicated employee and takes the time understand what is best for everyone. Alysha is completely committed to her job, team members ,customers and patients with genuine concern and treats everyone with enthusiasm and respect.

Violetta L: Hair Stylist, Hair Replacement technician, Trichologist Technician, HairSkeen Cert. Violetta has been with FREEDOMclinic for over 2 decades. Her experience, flair and knowledge are well-used to service a large percentage of the FREEDOMclinic non-surgical hair replacement clientele, as well as the trichology patients as a Trichologist Technician. Violetta continues to expand her knowledge and use her creative intelligence to provide the best possible service to her clients and patients.

Janice B: Hair Replacement Technician, Trichologist Technician, HairSkeen Cert. SMP Trainee. Janice is friendly and efficient and pays attention to detail in all of her work. She is always thinking outside the box, and willing to try new styles and take on new tasks. She solves problems with skill and efficiency, and takes detailed care with every client.

Kin T: Hair System Technician. Kin is our master repair artist who has been with the organization for over 20 Years. Kin’s skill and attention to detail is second to none. In fact there not a single hair replacement clinic in Canada with such a skilled hair ventilator. Kin helps to set FREEDOMclinic apart from any hair loss clinic, raising client services to a higher standard of care.

Christina N: Receptionist, Office Assistant, Customer Service Specialist. Christina is a key person at FREEDOMclinic. She is a hard-working perfectionist who keeps the clinic incredibly organized and efficient. She goes above and beyond assisting in all areas of the organization, from opening the clinic to shipping hair system processing. Her loyalty, memory, and multi-tasking skills are all exceptional. Clients and patients have nothing but praise for her customer service skills, and the way she helps keep their schedules organized and efficient.

Mildred O: Receptionist, Accounting, Order Processing. Mildred is a consummate professional who has been with the Freedom Team for over 15 years. Although her main duties are in the accounting department, Mildred assists in several other areas of the organization. She is a hard-working and detail oriented professional, and a key member of the FREEDOMclinic Team.

Deepika S: – Medical Administrator, Trichologist Assistant, Hair Practitioner Certified, with a B. Pharm and Health Care Administration under her belt Deepika relocated from India a short time ago. Deepika has a post-graduate from St. Laurence College and accomplished experience from Scarborough Health Network as EPIC support staff and is currently one of our key members of our FREEDOM team. Deepika is full of infectious enthusiasm everyday and feels strong about loyalty. She is responsible for all the Trichology patient data, handling, refferals, communicating with health care professionals, doctors, and nurses and takes care of all medical procedures with updating records. She helps to organize the clinic by completing all tasks and arranging supplies for regular flow. Deepika says her incredible team is a big part of making her job at FREEDOMclinic so enjoyable.

Makenna Clement-Ranney: BSc, Content Writer, Copy editor. Makenna is responsible for helping create the informative written material provided on the FREEDOMclinic website. She is also responsible for editing and optimizing website content for client satisfaction. Makenna is a recent graduate of the University of Western Ontario where she obtained her BSc and is now pursuing graduate studies. She has been a valuable member of the team for several years and has worked on a wide range of projects. Her dedication to providing an easy and enjoyable web experience for all clients is evident in her work.

Hair, Skin, And Scalp Concerns? FREEDOMclinic Has The Solutions